Monday, March 5, 2012


Yesterday I decided to start this blog. I spent ages formatting and choosing my background photo. I agonized over the title.  I experimented with nearly every font available. When I was satisfied it was pretty enough I realized I had no idea what to write about. So why am I doing this?

After an evening of reflection I came up with these reasons:
  •   I’m self-absorbed and am not getting enough attention through facebook.
  •   I’m a people pleaser and need others to tell me I’m doing a good job.
  •   I’m bored.
  •   I want to feel like I’m accomplishing something tangible.
  •   I want to be creative.
  •   I want to be heard.
  •   I want to entertain.
  •   I want to make people think.
  •   I want to be a writer when I grow up.
  •   The internet needs more cat photos and my cat is the best cat. 

I suppose those are legitimate reasons to blog, so here I go.

My background is in counseling and I am therefore inclined to define expectations during our first meeting. And I love making lists.

My promises to my reader(s):
  •   I will be honest. However, I reserve the right to decline to answer a question if I find it too personal. I do not promise to tell you everything, but when I do share I promise to be honest.
  •   If you are religious and/or conservative I will most likely offend you at some point. Sorry.
  •   I will provide you with photos of Diego, the best cat in the universe.
  •   I will read your comment(s) and try my best to respond in a timely manner.
  •   I will try to make it interesting.
  •   I will try to use lots of good vocabulary words and proper grammar and I will hate myself when I discover typos.

What I expect from you:
  •   Be nice. I welcome criticism, just don’t be a jerk about it.

 Thank you for reading. I’m flattered you’re here.


  1. I concur, Diego is the best cat in the universe. And I look forward to being entertained by you! And keep in mind, a wise man once said, "I never had any respect for a man who only knew how to spell a word one way." -president Andrew Jackson (I believe)

    And I wise woman once said, "You can't aim to be creative and then apply rigid, senseless rules to spelling. Creativity requires throwing all restrictions out the window, recognizing and expunging those that have been unconsciously ingrained in your head. Lemmings, sheep and boring people abide and follow, lemurs and visionaries break free of societies bonds!" -You have 1 guess who this quotable quote is from ;)

    1. What beautiful quotes! Thank you :)

      Before I make a guess as to who said the 2nd one, can you give us a hint? I thought about googling it but decided that would be lame.

  2. Yay! Eagerly awaiting the next post!
